Saturday, February 11, 2012

Learn to forgive those who have wronged you and move on

The reason I am writing this is to let other people know that they are not alone when they have feelings of resentment and even hatred towards family members or friends.  If you feel that a family member did something to hurt you, whether it was on purpose or not; if you continue to hold unto those feelings of hate it will just eat you up in the end.  Life is too short and the joy of living and loving the goodness about your life is eclipsed by the constant gnawing hatred and resentment you feel..
Think about it !!.....If you knew you only had one week left to live, how would you chose to spend your time? Would it be wallowing in self-pity and anger towards others, I think not.  You would probably go out and enjoy the time you have left and maybe, just maybe you would seek out the family member that you turned away from and suddenly would experience the good feelings that you had together and know that there was always love there.  Then you would think, there is so little time left, I wish I had have taken the time to lay down this burden a long time ago.